Monday, April 25, 2011

Silk Tie Easter Eggs

1. Take raw eggs and wrap them in 100% silk.
2. Using an old pillow case or sheet wrap the eggs one more time.

We used twist ties but elastics or string would work too.

3. Boil eggs in any type of no-alluminum pot along with 1/4 cup vinegar. Once the water comes to a boil, reduce heat and let them do there thing for 20-25 minutes.

* We hollowed out some eggs by poking a small hole in each end and blowing out the insides before we dyed them and it worked well. The only problem is that the hollow eggs don’t sink in the water so we had to put a heavy lid to hold them under.

4. Unwrap! This is the best part. I was so thrilled at how they turned out.

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