Saturday, April 2, 2011

Changing Pad and Wipes Holder


1/2 yard of chenille
1 yard coordinating cotton fabric
1 yard ribbon
Fray Check

Cut chenille to 22"x18".

Cut coordinating top fabric to the same size.

To make the pocket: cut out a 9" x 17" piece of the coordinating fabric.

You will be placing the pocket on the lower left hand side, so hem the top and right sides of the pocket.

Attach to the top and secure with pins.

Stitch along the right hand edge, right over the exposed hem.

Now here is the tricky part. Make a light mark with a fabric pencil 4 1/2 inches from the right side in. You need to do this at the top and bottom of the pocket. This is going to be a smaller pocket for a sippy cup or bottle. Sew a straight line, using your marks as a guide. Backstitch at the top for extra strength.

Place ribbon on the left hand side, half way down the pocket. This is about 4 1/2 " up from the left bottom corner. Stitch in place. Seal the ends with a little Fray Check. This makes it so the ribbon won't unravel in the wash.

Pin right sides together, making sure that the loose ends of the ribbon are not going to be attached where they shouldn't.

Carefully sew around the edges. This can be a little tricky because the chenille tends to stretch. I like to pick a spot in the middle of a side, and sew one direction. Go back to the center and sew the opposite direction on the same side. This seems to create and even amount of tension.

Leave a three inch gap somewhere to turn it inside out.

Turn right side out. You will still have a little gap. I will show you what to do with this next.

Make sure to use a small blunt object to poke the corners out flat. Iron out.
Pin the gap closed, matching edges. Sew a 1/4 " top stitch around the entire edge of the changing pad. Easy as pie!

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