Thursday, September 26, 2013


Token can be earned, spent, and lost.  How?
How to earn tokens:
1 shoes put away
1 coats hung up
1 back pack, lunch pack, papers put away
1 dishes cleared after meals without asking
1 folder brought home
1 hairbows put away, or not lost at the end of the day
1 using a napkin at the dinner table
1 using your manner words
1 (isaac) telling us that you need a diaper change
1 cleaning up your crumbs after snacks
1 staying at the table to eat your snacks
1 listening the first time
1 setting your clothes out for the next day
1 following instructions
1 being kind to your siblings
1 washing your hands after you eat
1 bringing in belongings from the car
1 if mom or dad don’t clean up after ourselves and you catch it and have to do it for us
1 mom or dad speaking unkindly to you when it is not an appropriate thing to get upset about
2 listening and sitting reverently during fhe
2 (stella) taking your dance bag to dance
2 homework done before play time
2 eating all of your food without complaining
3 being reverent during sacrament meeting
3 morning routine done without asking
3 evening routine done without asking
3 extra jobs without complaining
3 good behavior at a store
5 ½ hour playtime outside
5 ½ hour art project
5 ½ hour reading
5 ½ hour quiet time
5 100% spelling test
5 a good report from school
15 (jex) finishing a chapter book
How to Lose Tokens:
1 leave your shoes out
1 socks on the floor
1 coat laying on the floor
1 pajamas not put away
1 clothes laying on the floor
1 making messes at the dinner table
1 arguing
1 wiping your fingers on furniture
1 bothering parents while on the phone
1 not listening
1 not clearing your plate
1 leaving belongings in the car
1 fighting with your sibling
1 anything left laying around that I have to pick up
2 not bringing your folder home from school
2 losing a hair bow
2 tattling
2 getting in to things that you are not supposed to
3 complaining or gagging at the dinner table
3 poor behavior at church
3 poor behavior at a store
10 if I have to clean up your room or playroom at the end of the day
How to spend tokens:
1 package of fruit snacks
2 cookie, or treat(bedtime snacks will be given on special occasions)
2 ½ educational computer time (approved by parent)
2 ½ hour educational television program (approved by parent)
3 popcorn
3 extra story at bedtime(must be paid by all listeners)
5 ½ hour computer time, television, or a full movie
(family movies are free, but designated by parents)
5 extra 15 minutes at bedtime
100 $10 to spend on something you would like
Fruit and yogurt and crackers do not cost anything
Mom and dad have the right to add to this list at anytime
Tokens can be handed out randomly for special things and good behavior
You must ask mom and dad before putting tokens in your jar.

This list hangs on our laundry room door.  We can refer to it at anytime.


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